CE Week Special: Empowering design to increase awareness & change behaviour

Following on from CIWM’s recent report by John Twitchen covering ‘An EPR for Everything, Starting with Batteries‘, it became clear that consumers want to do the right thing when it comes to disposing of waste correctly, but handling hard to manage materials like batteries, throws some complications into the mix.

Focusing on the importance of driving awareness and the need for optimise design, this discussion will look at:

  • How to raise awareness for handling difficult to manage materials e.g. batteries.
  • How do you challenge standard business processes to increase options like reuse and modular design?
  • How can producers promote the correct consumer behaviours?  
  • How must product design adapt ahead of EPR and wider policies? 


Lee Marshall, CIWM (moderator) 

John Twitchen, Stuff4Life 

Ashleigh Smith, Circular & Co. 

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