Waste Management in the Construction Industry

The next episode in the CD&E series, supported by Turmec, will focus on the processing of materials. The sector is pivoting and processing changes in the waste and materials landscape due to many factors including the escalating costs of landfill usage, regulatory pressures, critical environmental considerations, the rising use of alternative materials and different building techniques being brought to market which will necessitate advanced recycling solutions.

Initially looking at the current state of play for the build environment, Rachel Hill (RSK Geosciences) will share an overview of the current policy landscape and a horizon scan for any potential changes affecting the sector.

Honing in on resource and waste, Katherine Adams (ASBP) will then delve into the changing makeup of materials and techniques being used for building construction and retrofitting, and what this means from a processing perspective.

Gavin Dunne (Turmec) will share real life industry use-cases adding context and examples of processing the alternative materials now being used, the challenges to be aware of, and best-practice for how to extract resource opportunities from the materials. 

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