
£150m invested in public recycling facilities opening in north London

12th July 2024

local authorities / North London Heat and Power Project / North London Waste Authority


NLWA sets out its priorities for the new Labour government

11th July 2024

energy from waste / local authorities / North London Waste Authority


Where to start addressing the EU’s upcoming ecodesign regulation

11th July 2024

carbon footprint / design / European Union


Why EPR for waste electronics must accommodate trends and innovations

10th July 2024

Repic / reuse / WEEE

Case Study

TerraCycle’s new recycling solution for medicine blister packs

9th July 2024

packaging / Recycling / TerraCycle


Defra Secretary to prioritise moving Britain to zero waste economy

9th July 2024

Defra / Environment Agency / Zero Waste


Brits choose bean baths over donating unused smartphones, new study reveals

2nd July 2024

behaviour change / E-Waste / Hubbub


Scotland passes Circular Economy Bill amid fears of “bin snooping”

1st July 2024

Circular Economy / local authorities / Scotland


58% of environmentalists believe there is or will be a green skills gap

28th June 2024

CIWM / green skills / net zero


Campaigners pile electrical waste outside Scottish Parliament

25th June 2024

Circular Economy / Scotland / WEEE


John Lewis launches new 20-piece circular design collection

24th June 2024

John Lewis / textiles / WRAP


New CIWM President calls for UK to “Turn Off the Resources Tap”

21st June 2024

Circular Economy / CIWM / presidential inauguration

Briefing Paper

CIWM Presidential Report 2024-25

21st June 2024

Circular Economy / CIWM / design


Repak Plastic Pledge Signatories achieved 72% recycling rate in 2023

20th June 2024

packaging / Recycling / Repak


What is the solution to single-use plastic?

19th June 2024

Deposit Return Scheme / Extended Producer Responsibility / Single-Use Plastic


Second-hand is replacing new in wardrobes, Vinted report finds

19th June 2024

clothing / reuse / textiles


What are UK party manifestos saying about resources and waste?

19th June 2024

Circular Economy / energy from waste / reuse


Ericsson and Tomra announce circular economy collaboration

18th June 2024

Circular Economy / digital waste tracking / TOMRA

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