
Devon man sentenced to 32 months for dumping asbestos waste

15th July 2024

asbestos / Environment Agency / Waste Crime


£150m invested in public recycling facilities opening in north London

12th July 2024

local authorities / North London Heat and Power Project / North London Waste Authority


85% of Britons want stronger government action on e-waste

10th July 2024

E-Waste / Recycling / WEEE


£1.2m in funding awarded to local authorities to tackle chewing gum litter

10th July 2024

Chewing Gum Task Force / Keep Britain Tidy / local authorities

Case Study

TerraCycle’s new recycling solution for medicine blister packs

9th July 2024

packaging / Recycling / TerraCycle


The Green Economy Equation that the new Government cannot afford to get wrong

2nd July 2024

General Election / UK Government / Veolia


Why communication is key to maximising the impact of impending food waste legislation

2nd July 2024

Food Waste / landfill / local authorities


2 million tonnes of food waste could be saved by effective redistribution solutions, report finds

1st July 2024

food redistribution / Food Waste / local authorities


News in brief | CIWM Commercial Partner Updates

28th June 2024

Podback / WRA


The tent dilemma: Solving the problem of festival waste

26th June 2024

packaging / Recycling / reuse


RECOUP’s litter project uncovers crisp packet from the 90’s

26th June 2024

Litter / Recoup / Walkers Crisps


enfinium diverted 2 million tonnes of unrecyclable waste from landfill in 2023

26th June 2024

efinium / energy from waste / net zero


New system launched to extract lithium-ion batteries from waste streams

25th June 2024

artificial intelligence / Lithium Ion Batteries / WEEE


Zero Waste Europe calls for waste incinerations to be included in EU ETS

25th June 2024

Emissions Trading Scheme / European Union / Zero Waste Europe


Navigating EPR: What lies ahead for PRN markets?

24th June 2024

ecosurety / Extended Producer Responsibility / packaging recovery note


Fast fashion: Uncovering a hidden world of unsold goods

24th June 2024

emissions / Fast Fashion / textiles


£100m Landfill Tax gap shows “ongoing scale” of fraud, ESA says

20th June 2024

Environmental Services Association / Landfill Tax / Waste Crime


Over 97% of UK waste wood was processed in 2023

14th June 2024

Waste Wood / Wood Recyclers Association / Wood Recycling

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