
TfL permits Lunaz to operate its upcycled electric vehicles in London

7th February 2024

Electric Vehicles / local authorities / refuse collection vehicles


“Largest ever” deployment of AI in waste sector announced

7th February 2024

AI / greyparrot / sorting


Woman fined after demanding cash from Environment Agency officers

6th February 2024

Environment Agency / site inspections / Waste Crime


England’s household recycling rate fall to 43.4%, Defra statistics show

31st January 2024

Defra / local authorities / Recycling Rates

Case Study

Aldi Eco Concept Store: Pioneering sustainability in retail

30th January 2024

Aldi / Recycling / retail


89% of households happy with flexible plastic collection pilots

30th January 2024

Defra / ecosurety / Flexible Plastic Recycling


Businesses can save 70% on costs by switching to circular model

26th January 2024

Circular Economy / repair / reuse

Briefing Paper

CIWM Position Statement: Carbon Off-Setting

25th January 2024

decarbonisation / Greenhouse Gas / net zero


Study: Mixed waste sorting more cost-effective than carbon capture

25th January 2024

Carbon Capture / mixed recyclables / Zero Waste Europe


Recycleye uses AI to detect and sort WEEE for the “first” time

24th January 2024

E-Waste / Recycleye / WEEE


RECOUP calls for “rethink” of waste export ban to non-OECD countries

24th January 2024

Plastic Packaging / Recoup / Waste Exports


Report: Plastic contributes more emissions than aviation industry

23rd January 2024

aviation / Greenhouse Emissions / plastic


A family affair: The inside story of Grundon Waste Management

22nd January 2024

Grundon / local authorities / Recycling


Environment Agency accused of telling staff to pause inspections at poorly performing waste sites

19th January 2024

Environment Agency / landfill


Make food waste recycling your business’ New Year’s resolution

17th January 2024

Food Waste / Recycling / ReFood


Cumberland Council announces new kerbside WEEE collections

17th January 2024

local authorities / Recycling / WEEE

Briefing Paper

The Suez Compliance Assessment Report legal cases explained

16th January 2024

Compliance Assessment Report / Environment Agency / SUEZ


The Beyond Waste Podcast

16th January 2024

Beyond Waste / Circular Economy / CIWM

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