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Why communication is key to maximising the impact of impending food waste legislation

2nd July 2024

Food Waste / landfill / local authorities

What are UK party manifestos saying about resources and waste?

19th June 2024

Circular Economy / energy from waste / reuse

Meet the local authorities innovating waste management around the world

4th June 2024

Food Waste / local authorities / Recycling

Resource efficiency: The design frontier

28th May 2024

design / Resource Efficiency / reuse

Reinventing resource efficiency: How design is driving innovation

7th May 2024

Climate Change / design / net zero

Green policies in action: Global case studies

17th April 2024

Circular Economy / net zero / Recycling

The landscape of green policies ahead of the 2024 election

2nd April 2024

City to Sea / Green Alliance / net zero

Global waste management systems: a comparative study

26th March 2024

E-Waste / Recycling / reuse

Packaging EPR: Updates, amendments, and unanswered questions

25th March 2024

ecosurety / Extended Producer Responsibility / packaging

5 key insights from Resource Conference Cymru 2024

21st March 2024

Circular Economy / Deposit Return Scheme / Resource Conference Cymru

Spotlight on Reuse: Best Practices from Around the Globe

27th February 2024

case studies / local authorities / reuse

The top innovations to watch in the resources and waste sector

21st February 2024

local authorities / packaging / Recycling

The theory of devolution: UK nations different waste strategies

15th February 2024

Defra / local authorities / Wales

How the Internet of Things can unlock circular business models

9th January 2024

Deposit Return Schemes / Internet Of Things / Recycling Rate

The business of net zero: Five innovative revenue models

2nd January 2024

business / Circular Economy / net zero

The 10 biggest waste management news stories of 2023

12th December 2023

Defra / Deposit Return Scheme / Extended Producer Responsibility

The end is nigh for PFI: How local authorities can prepare

14th November 2023

Deposit Return Scheme / Extended Producer Responsibility / local authorities

The Festival of Circular Economy 2023: 5 things we’re looking forward to

8th November 2023

Climate Change / festival of circular economy / WRAP

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