Resourcing the Future 2023: 5 things we’re looking forward to

Resourcing the Future 2019 2

With Resourcing the Future (RtF) 2023 coming up on 21 June, Circular Online explores 5 things we’re looking forward to at the conference.

  1. Meeting the food collection challenge
  2. The communications challenge of the Collection & Packaging Reforms (CPR)
  3. The place of packaging recovery notes (PRNs) in CPR   
  4. Infrastructure Implications
  5. Implementing a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) from scratch

This year’s RTF conference will focus on the Collection and Packaging Reforms (CPR) due to be rolled out over the next few years. Throughout the event, delegates, presenters and panellists will dive into the detail of what the CPR will mean for everyone involved in the materials chain and beyond.

From the practicalities of implementation to what the reforms mean for you – from your role to your organisation – the conference will explore everything you need to know about CPR. This includes how major policies like the UK’s Deposit Return Schemes (DRS), Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) will impact you.

The conference is a full day of informative speakers, interactive breakout sessions and networking opportunities, and in anticipation of the event, Circular Online has picked out the 5 things we’re looking forward to most.

Meeting the food collection challenge

Food waste

In this session, Claire Cutforth of Cardiff City Council will examine the key factors for introducing and implementing a new service to collect food waste from households. She will also explore the lessons learned by a local authority that has set up this challenging service.

Earlier this year, Commercial Director at ReFood Phillip Simpson voiced his concern about Defra’s requirement for household food waste to be collected separately by 2023. Particularly over the department’s consideration of a transitional roll-out of separate food waste collections across England, stating he’s concerned it could create a “disjointed” national recycling system.

Join this session to hear how English local authorities can avoid this and the best way to adapt to the changes.

The communications challenge of CPR


Whenever new services and systems are introduced, to ensure they’re successful, an engaging and clear communications strategy is essential. For CPR, communication will be key to engaging with the public and highlighting the crucial benefits of recycling.

In this session, WRAP’s Mark Roberts will share his behaviour change expertise and offer delegates key takeaway actions for communicating with the public.

The place of PRNs in CPR   


Head of Policy at Valpak, George Atkinson, will present this session and look to answer what role the PRN (Packaging Recovery Note) system will play once CPR is implemented.

The PRN system will continue alongside EPR until 2027 but there are questions over whether the reforms are sufficient enough to ensure the system will be fit for purpose in the rapidly changing legislative environment.

Atkinson will delve into the challenges the transition period will bring and attempt to draw out a conclusion for the delegates in attendance. The session will also explore how EPR will fully replace the funding currently provided to the value chain by PRNs.

Infrastructure implications


In anticipation of these policy changes, one of the biggest questions industry figures have is whether increasing the quality of materials will reduce their quantity, as well as whether the UK has the necessary infrastructure to deal with these materials.

CEO at Recycling Association, Paul Sanderson, joins this session to explore the implications of the DRS and pEPR (packaging EPR) on end markets. Hear from expert industry figures on how those responsible for end markets can prepare for the policies and extract the benefits from the changes.

Implementing a DRS from scratch


Currently, in the UK, the million-dollar question is to build a DRS from scratch. While similar schemes have been functioning across Europe, and the rest of the world, for many years the delay to the Scottish DRS rollout shows it isn’t easy to implement.

This session, hosted by Tomra’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing (UK and Ireland), will reflect on the lessons there are to be learned from the delay and how they can be applied to the rest of the UK.

Book your place today


Make sure you’ve booked your seat for this year’s RTF conference to hear about the implications of these once-in-a-generation reforms. Don’t miss out on hearing from the leading experts in government departments, local authorities, and the packaging industry.

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