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Navigating EPR: What lies ahead for PRN markets?

24th June 2024

ecosurety / Extended Producer Responsibility / packaging recovery note

What is the solution to single-use plastic?

19th June 2024

Deposit Return Scheme / Extended Producer Responsibility / Single-Use Plastic

Embracing circular economy solutions in the renewable materials sector

13th June 2024

Recycling / reuse / Single-Use Plastic

The big local authority funding gap: DRS, delays and pEPR

12th June 2024

Deposit Return Scheme / LARAC / local authorities

Why the UNEP Food Waste Index makes for concerning reading

5th June 2024

Food Waste / ReFood / Simpler Recycling

The EMF reacts to the latest UN Plastic Treaty negotiations

15th May 2024

Ellen MacArthur Foundation / plastic / UN Plastic Treaty

Are the benefits of reporting Scope 3 emissions worth it?

7th May 2024

Greenhouse Emissions / Grundon / Scope 3 Emissions

Bending the Line: SRF and the path to a circular economy

30th April 2024

Advetec / Circular Economy / Solid Recovered Fuel

How to transform mattress design for a sustainable future

30th April 2024

Extended Producer Responsibility / mattress recycling / The Furniture Recycling Group

WRAP in South Africa: Working to preserve and regenerate nature

23rd April 2024

Circular Economy / Courtauld Commitment / WRAP

Legislation as a driving force for circularity

12th April 2024

Circular Economy / Environmental Law / Legislation

How circular are the UK’s political parties?

10th April 2024

Circular Economy / net zero / sustainability

How technology is helping the hospitality sector address food waste

19th March 2024

Food Waste / Hospitality And Food Service Sector / ReFood

How circular design can help end food waste

18th March 2024

Circular Economy / Ellen MacArthur Foundation / Food Waste

Chemical recycling of plastic: Better living through chemistry

11th March 2024

chemical recycling / PET / plastic

The real impact of Extended Producer Responsibility

6th March 2024

Extended Producer Responsibility / packaging / TerraCycle

Microplastics pollution: Preventing the loss of plastic pellets

5th March 2024

Eunomia / packaging / plastic

CIWM Position Statement: Energy recovery from waste

27th February 2024

CIWM / energy from waste

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