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Circular July/August 2023   page 13

Scottish DRS Opinion MAURICE GOLDEN msp LESSONS MUST BE LEARNED Scotlands deposit return scheme hasnt

Circular July/August 2023   page 14

DONT MISS OUT! Book now GALA DINNER An evening of networking,

Circular July/August 2023   page 15

Foreword SARAH POULTER CIWM CEO WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS Its a time of great activity

Circular July/August 2023   page 16

The big interview Dan Cooke Its what we do Dan Cooke became CIWM President on 30

Circular July/August 2023   page 17

The big interview 17 The public want to see what we do; they need what we

Circular July/August 2023   page 18

The big interview Dan Cooke 18 My favourite bit of circularity is that Im now responsible

Circular July/August 2023   page 19

The big interview as a tool to close the gap between producers and the cost

Circular July/August 2023   page 20

We design, produce and sell a range of tools to assist with domestic wheelie bin

Circular July/August 2023   page 21

Behaviour change Opinion HARRIET LAMB CEO of WRAP EASY AS ONE, TWO, THREE Human behaviour

Circular July/August 2023   page 22

Big feature Behaviour change 22 Turning the tide To change engrained waste and recycling behaviours, we

Circular July/August 2023   page 23

Behaviour change Big feature P ick a card, any card, says the magician, before amazing

Circular July/August 2023   page 24

Big feature Behaviour change The term nudge theory was rst coined by American economist Richard

Circular July/August 2023   page 25

Behaviour change Big feature People want to do the right thing would probably say no

Circular July/August 2023   page 26

Big feature Behaviour change Recycling is the name of the game 26 The chance to win

Circular July/August 2023   page 27

Behaviour change Big feature We just followed the principles of human behaviour How did Leeds

Circular July/August 2023   page 28

Knowledge base Packaging In labelling we trust UK consumers are confused by recycling instructions and

Circular July/August 2023   page 29

Packaging Knowledge base CIWM president and visiting professor of wastes management and circular economy at

Circular July/August 2023   page 30

Specialists in end-to-end design and build of automated recycling solutions C&D/C&I DMR

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