72% of Brits admit to “wishcycling”


72% of UK respondents admit to putting rubbish in recycling bins without being sure it can be recycled, according to new research by recipe box company Gousto.

The survey also found that 71% of respondents think packaging labels and guidance on recycling are confusing and 45% are often unsure what can and can’t be recycled from household waste. Gousto’s research showed 65% of respondents would like recycling, in general, to be made easier.

People in the North East of England are the most knowledgeable and careful about recycling, according to the research. Only 31% of people in the North East of England said they regularly or occasionally “wishcycle” their rubbish. People in Northern Ireland were found to be the least careful (51%).

Gousto’s survey defined “wishcycling” as throwing packaging away that cannot be sorted and processed with mixed household recycling, and disposing of packaging and containers that are contaminated.

‘Wishcycling’ leads to millions of unsuitable items being put into recycling.

Commenting on the research, Hugh Lewis, Head of Sustainability at Gousto, said: “At Gousto, we see it as our job to help make the recycling process as easy for our customers as possible – especially as a B Corp. That’s why we’ve been committed to updating our packaging design over the past two years so that all recycling guidance is clear and visible to our customers.

“’Wishcycling’ leads to millions of unsuitable items being put into recycling and we want to help stop this. It’s all part of our commitment to make all of our packaging recyclable by 2025.”

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