Brits choose bean baths over donating unused smartphones, new study reveals


Despite nearly 15 million unused smartphones collecting dust in UK homes, a surprising new study reveals that Brits are more inclined to sit in a bath of baked beans or stay silent for 24 hours to raise money for charity rather than donate their old devices.

The study shows that 50% of Brits would prefer to sit in a bath of beans, and 78% would remain silent for 24 hours rather than donate their smartphones. Over 4 in 10 people (44%) mistakenly believe that charities do not accept smartphone donations, which might explain the reluctance to donate.

Additionally, more than 7 in 10 Brits feel guilty for not doing enough to support charities, with almost two-thirds (63%) expressing a desire to contribute more positively to society. Nearly two-thirds (62%) donate to charity to feel good about helping others, while almost half (48%) will donate items if they know it will have a positive impact on someone’s life.

In response to the pandemic, Virgin Media O2 and Hubbub launched the Community Calling scheme in 2020. This initiative aims to provide smartphones to people who cannot afford devices or connectivity, ensuring they can access essential online services.

We know people in the UK want to do more to help communities in need… The quick and easy act of donating a phone will help people in need to get online and access essential services

To date, 20,000 devices have been donated, benefitting victims of domestic abuse, refugees, and disadvantaged communities. The donated devices come with free O2 mobile data, provided by the National Databank.

Genuine Solutions, an accredited tech partner, securely wipes the data before rehoming the devices. This effort is part of Virgin Media O2’s Better Connections Plan, which encourages consumers to engage in 10 million ‘circular actions’ to combat electronic waste.

Dana Haidan, Chief Sustainability Officer at Virgin Media O2, stated, “We know people in the UK want to do more to help communities in need… The quick and easy act of donating a phone will help people in need to get online and access essential services.”

Alex Robinson, CEO of Hubbub, added, “Digital exclusion remains a significant issue… We’ve made donating a device to Community Calling easy and straightforward, to encourage even more donations.”

Virgin Media O2 and Hubbub continue to urge the public to donate their unused smartphones to help those in need, emphasising the significant positive impact such donations can have on individuals’ lives and the environment.

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