City to Sea open letter calls for legally binding reusable packaging targets



Over 35 non-governmental organisations, brands and celebrities have backed an open letter from environmental charity City to Sea calling for legally binding reusable packaging targets.

The letter was delivered to the leaders of the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties at their HQs in London by over 20 campaigners from organisations including City to Sea, Ocean Bottle and Reposit.

Greenpeace UK, Oceana UK and Television personality Rob Rinder were notable signatories to the open letter, which was released ahead of Word Refill Day on 16 June.

The letter reads: “Whilst the UK government has implemented some effective plastic bans, progress in transitioning the country away from single-use packaging is far too slow.

“England’s Deposit Return Scheme has been delayed three times and is now due in 2027, whilst the Extended Producer Responsibility policy has seen limited implementation.

“We call on all political parties to set legally binding, time-bound targets to accelerate the transition to reuse in the UK. This includes 30% of packaging to be reusable by 2030, supported by a complete ban on unnecessary single-use plastic packaging and full support for a robust Global Plastics Treaty.”

We call on all political parties to set legally binding, time-bound targets to accelerate the transition to reuse in the UK.

The campaigners are calling for a national transition to reuse and refill systems which eliminate the need for unnecessary single-use plastic packaging.

The open letter also says that legislative change is vital to create a “level playing field” for businesses to deliver reuse and refill at scale.

Jane Martin, CEO of City to Sea, commented: “It’s brilliant to see so many organisations, from NGOs such as Greenpeace and Oceana, and brands such as Ocean Bottle unite behind a reuse revolution.

“Here at City to Sea, we have been working with our partners to expand refill and reuse trials, helping industry to take steps towards a world with less plastic pollution.

“However, for real change to take place, a level playing field, facilitated by government intervention, is crucial and businesses must be operating within a harmonized regulatory framework.

“Through our manifesto, we are calling for government commitment to tangible measures such as supporting a legally binding Global Plastics Treaty, rolling out Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging and a complete ban on single-use packaging. The time to act is now.”

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