Disappointment at EPR mandatory packaging labelling delay


extended producer responsibility

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has confirmed it has delayed introducing mandatory packaging labelling as part of extended producer responsibility (EPR).

Defra said the UK Governments remain committed to introducing mandatory labelling, which aims to make easier for consumers to understand how to recycle packaging correctly.

Earlier this year, the UK Government, then under Conservative leadership, deferred EPR for packaging fees for a year, so the scheme will now begin in October 2025.

Defra said it will likely introduce mandatory labelling across the UK via an amendment to the forthcoming legislation in 2025, and the approach is likely to be consistent across all UK nations.

Defra also said it would review the forthcoming EU packaging legislation and explore the potential for consistency across their approaches.

CIWM Reaction

CIWMCIWM Lee Marshall, Director of Innovation and Technical Services, said: “Helping citizens do the right thing more of the time with their recycling is vital, and communication through labelling is an important part of that.

“The OPRL labels that are currently most widely used have proven to be a vital communication aid, and it therefore makes sense to have a mandatory scheme going forward.

“If this temporary change, however, helps expedite the delivery of EPR, then CIWM would prefer to see Defra press ahead on that basis with a commitment that it would implement a mandatory labelling scheme as soon as practicable.”


Robbie Staniforth: “While it is disappointing that mandatory labelling won’t come in as anticipated, it is pleasing to see the Government are removing barriers that would stop legislation being laid next month. For the EU, this issue was a major sticking point and it is vital that the law passes and that the new system goes live in 2025.

“We believe that packaging producers will continue the trend of labelling their products to help citizens know if it can be recycled or not, on a voluntary basis. Eventually, labelling does need to be mandated to create a level playing field between packaging producers and make it as simple as possible for citizens.

However, labelling is just one small facet of the new law that after several years of design still has not passed.

“However, labelling is just one small facet of the new law that after several years of design still has not passed. It would simply not be acceptable to wait for yet another year or more for the system, just because of this one issue.”


LARAC said it is extremely disappointed following the announcement and “stressed” the negative impact this decision will have on local authority collections of packaging waste from residents.

Cathy Cook, LARAC Chair, said: “Mandatory and consistent labelling is essential for the success of the Collection and Packaging Reforms (CPR), and whilst this decision has been labelled as ‘temporary’, LARAC strongly encourages Defra to set a definitive timescale for its introduction and provide guidance of best practice for the interim period.

“LARAC would also like to see confirmation that labelling requirements will be consistent across the four UK nations.”

“It is positive, however, to hear from DEFRA that the introduction of EPR legislation from January 2025 is on track to come into force as planned.”

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