Homebase launches UK’s first ‘Green Aisle’

Homebase, one of the UK’s leading home and garden retailers, today (6 Oct) announces the launch of the UK’s first ‘Green Aisle’ in collaboration with Smart Energy GB, the campaign for a smarter Britain.

The new space within Homebase’s stores showcases a range of energy efficient and environmentally friendly products to encourage and help shoppers to make more sustainable choices.

‘The Green Aisle’ has been introduced to meet shifting consumer demands as new research shows that almost three quarters (74%) of Britons are keen to make their homes greener.

The aisles will initially be rolled out in five stores – Haringey, Selly Oak (Birmingham), Edinburgh, Leeds Moor Allerton, and Bridge End – with a further 132 stores featuring ‘Green Areas,’ stocking a smaller range of sustainable products, until the end of October.

We know that more and more of our customers are looking to make environmentally friendly decisions as they embark on home and garden improvement projects

Products featured within ‘The Green Aisle’ include energy saving items such as insulation and draught excluders, as well as AAA+ rated white goods and environmentally friendly paint. While for the garden, the aisle will stock a range of water butts, hose pipes and extra absorbent compost, that means gardeners will not need to water their plants as often.

The space will also feature details on how customers can arrange to have a smart meter installed by their energy provider. Smart meters enable consumers to better manage their energy consumption, but on a national scale; they also help to upgrade Britain’s energy system to one that can help tackle the climate crisis and meet our net zero target.

Great British Green Up

The launch builds upon Homebase’s recent Great British Green Up campaign, which saw the company champion biodiversity by encouraging people to ‘green up’ their outdoor spaces throughout the summer.

Chris O’Boyle, Trading Director, Homebase, said: “We know that more and more of our customers are looking to make environmentally friendly decisions as they embark on home and garden improvement projects.

‘The Green Aisle’ not only puts some of our most sustainable and eco-friendly products all in one place for those who know what they’re looking for, but will also provide advice and inspiration, supported by our expert teams, for people who need a hand turning their green ambitions into reality.

Energy efficiency steps don’t always have to be expensive. Contacting your energy supplier to get a smart meter installed will also help you to do your bit for the environment.

“Whether it’s something as simple as a draught excluder to sit at the bottom of a door, getting a smart meter installed or a bigger project such as installing new insulation, there are hundreds of ways – both big and small – that we can help people make a positive difference to their home.”

Robert Cheesewright from Smart Energy GB concluded: “We’re delighted to be working with Homebase to launch the first ever ‘Green Aisle’ in 137 stores nationwide. The Government’s Green Homes Grant provides investment for us to make our homes more energy efficient. 

“But energy efficiency steps don’t always have to be expensive. Contacting your energy supplier to get a smart meter installed will also help you to do your bit for the environment.

“Each installation moves Britain closer to achieving a smart energy system that makes better use of renewable power and reduces our reliance on fossil fuels.”

‘The Green Aisle’ is available at Homebase stores in Haringey, Edinburgh, Bridgend, Birmingham and Leeds, with further dedicated energy efficient product space found at all other stores nationwide, from now until the end of October.

The products featured on the ‘The Green Aisle’ are also available online here.

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