Councils tell Defra proposed pEPR fees will not cover extra costs


extended producer responsibility

The Local Government Association has called on the UK Government to review the decision to reduce extended producer responsibility for packaging (pEPR) fees to ensure the packaging industry meets the full costs facing councils.

The Local Government Association (LGA) said that payments from pEPR are unlikely to cover the extra costs that arise when households put recyclable waste in the wrong bin, placing additional financial pressure on councils.

The North London Waste Authority has also warned that revised base fees for EPR are “too low” and will impact the finances of local authorities.

Investment in local waste reduction programmes is also “essential” to help councils tackle waste more effectively and sustainably, the LGA said.

Polling commissioned by the LGA and conducted by YouGov found that 48% of the public think companies producing packaging should meet costs to reduce packaging. Only 4% thought local authorities should be responsible for the costs.

85% of people think companies should be required by the government to reduce the amount of packaging used.

Extended producer responsibility for packaging

extended producer responsibility

Councils are also calling for clearer labelling on packaging to help households dispose of waste correctly.

Earlier this year, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) confirmed it had delayed introducing mandatory packaging labelling as part of pEPR, which aims to make it easier for consumers to understand how to recycle packaging correctly.

Defra said the UK Government will likely introduce mandatory labelling across the UK via an amendment to the forthcoming legislation in 2025.

Cllr Adam Hug, Environment spokesperson for the LGA, commented: “Good packaging is essential for keeping products fresh and intact, and producers are doing more to reduce waste and support recycling.

“But everybody can see the levels of waste, across our shop shelves, delivered to our homes, and into our bins.

“We support reforms that move the costs for dealing with packaging waste from councils onto the producers.

“However, it is crucial that the costs are met, that councils continue to lead local waste and recycling services, and that the focus is on reducing unnecessary waste in the first place.”

Household packaging waste

household wasteHouseholds binned 5.6 million tonnes of packaging waste last year, according to a new study commissioned by councils.

The study, commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA), County Councils Network (CCN), and District Councils Network (DCN), found that 3.2 million tonnes of packaging was put into recycling bins.

The analysis also found that 2.3 million tonnes of packaging was put into residual, or “black” bins, and 70,000 tonnes were mistakenly put in food waste bins.

The study was published as councils are calling for new reforms to reduce packaging and make it easier for households to recycle.

Local authorities are urging the UK Government to ensure that reforms focus on reducing the amount of unnecessary waste created and increasing the recyclability of packaging.

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