Wickham Man Fined £3,000 For Allowing Waste Dump

Joe Keet of Firgrove Lane, Wickham, Hants, has been fined £3,000 for “knowingly permitting the deposit of controlled waste” at Firgrove Lane, following a trial at Portsmouth Magistrates Court.

Jasper Smith and Phillip Jenkins, who brought some of the waste to the site, also pleaded guilty at Portsmouth Magistrates Court on 18 December 2017, where Mr Smith was fined £333 and Mr Jenkins £121, and they shared the £300 costs.

“Joe Keet’s actions showed a blatant disregard for the environment. In cases like this, where the actions of individuals threaten to undermine legitimate businesses, we have no hesitation in prosecuting those involved.”

Joe Keet was fined £3,000 with a £170 victim surcharge and £1,904.75 costs after being found guilty by magistrates of knowingly allowing the deposit of controlled waste without the correct permit. This included construction and demolition waste, household clearance and commercial waste, waste wood, furniture, grab bags, black sacks of domestic waste, underlay and insulation.

Mike O’Neil, environment manager said: “Joe Keet’s actions showed a blatant disregard for the environment. In cases like this, where the actions of individuals threaten to undermine legitimate businesses, we have no hesitation in prosecuting those involved. We, in fact, previously prosecuted Mr Keet in May 2016.

“To ensure that the right waste gets to the right place, we encourage the public and businesses to check that their waste carrier is registered on gov.uk and to ask to see a copy of the waste transfer note for the waste. If possible take a photo of the note on your phone.”

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