Environment Agency launches consultation on landfill near Exeter



The Environment Agency has launched its second consultation on a permit application to open a landfill site at Lower Hare Farm in Whitestone near Exeter.

A previous consultation closed in May and received many responses, which led to the agency declaring the site as one of “High Public Interest”.

GRS Stone Supplies Ltd needs an environmental permit from the Environment Agency to operate the landfill site.

An environmental permit sets the conditions which GRS Stone Supplies Ltd must meet when operating the landfill site. It covers the management and operation of the site and the control and monitoring of emissions.  

When the agency considers a permit application, it reviews the design of the proposed site, how it will be operated, the emissions it will generate and whether it will meet the required standards.

The Environment Agency said it will consult with partner organisations, including Public Health England, as part of the process.

Certain issues such as suitability of the site, operating hours and traffic management to and from the site, are considered by the planning authority, not the Environment Agency.

The Environment Agency can only consider issues covered by the environmental permit and can only refuse a permit application based on technical information.

Once the consultation closes, the Environment Agency said it will review all the comments received before reaching a draft decision.

GRS Stone Supplies Ltd has the right to appeal if the permit is refused. If the agency thinks it might issue the permit, it will publish another consultation on the draft permit and draft decision document to receive comments on the conditions to be included in the permit.

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