NLWA sets out its priorities for the new Labour government


North London Waste Authority

The North London Waste Authority said it welcomes the opportunity for the new government to make progress towards protecting the environment and promoting the circular economy.

Following the results of the general election, the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has set out the changes it hopes to support the new Labour government to implement.

The NLWA said the previous government supported unfair waste reforms that unjustly placed the financial burden on local authorities and council taxpayers.

The Authority said it looks forward to meeting with MPs and cabinet ministers to share knowledge and work in partnership to create better outcomes for local residents, both in north London and across the country.

We know that tackling the climate crisis will be a priority for this government and we are glad your party recognises that moving to a circular economy will play a key role in this.

Councillor Loakes said in one of his letters: “We know that tackling the climate crisis will be a priority for this government and we are glad your party recognises that moving to a circular economy will play a key role in this. NLWA strives towards the same outcome.”

NLWA has called on the government to ensure the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) targets manufacturers and not council taxpayers, allow publicly-owned Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facilities to operate in the model of GB Energy by exempting them from the Electricity Generator Levy (EGL), and work with local authorities to improve food waste reforms.

Emissions Trading Scheme

The Authority said it is unfair that under current plans local residents will bear the cost of EfW facilities being included in the ETS from 2028, which NLWA estimated could be up to £35 million.

Instead, NLWA argued that the ETS should charge polluters and tackle the fossil carbon embedded in products during manufacture.

Electricity Generator Levy

London EcoPark, Edmonton Incinerator Power Station
London EcoPark, Edmonton Incinerator Power Station.

The Authority said it supports the government’s plans for GB Energy and wants power generation to benefit communities rather than private shareholders. The NLWA said its Edmonton EcoPark EfW facility operates on the same principle.

The NLWA said including publicly-owned EfW facilities in the Electricity Generator Levy limits the Authority’s ability to generate sustainable energy and return income to residents as the levy targets income that would otherwise be passed back to councils.

Food waste reforms

NLWA welcomed the previous government’s introduction of compulsory food waste recycling services from 2026. However, the Authority said it will require significant capital spending on new facilities that the current legislation does not provide funding for.

The NLWA estimates the capital costs alone for compulsory food waste recycling could be up to £25 million, which it said would need to be passed on to boroughs and local residents.

The Authority said it wants to work with the government to create a better funding model that would see local authority costs fully covered and prevent financial pressures on local council taxpayers.

Looking to the future

The NLWA said ministers and MPs recognise the importance of waste reduction and the circular economy in addressing the climate crisis and look forward to supporting the new government to implement these reforms.

Councillor Loakes said: “Following 14 years of austerity measures, this must be a priority to ensure limited resources can be better spent on delivering essential frontline services and successfully implementing waste reforms.”

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