Charter Your Next Move

Making the decision to become a Chartered member of CIWM could have career-boosting repercussions, opening up networks you might not have had access to before – and it’s more straightforward than you might think.

Ask many Chartered members what they’ve gained since becoming Chartered and they’ll passionately tell you stories about how it’s helped their career at every stage. For many, the key benefit is the unique recognition and credibility of the letters MCIWM or title Chartered Waste Manager after their name. You’ll hear how this has given them the edge in getting that dream job or made the difference when winning a new customer.

For others it’s more about the networks that Chartered membership has opened up. They’ll tell you about meeting new employers, business partners, customers and other professionals who have become life-long friends. You’ll also hear about the value of the sharing of knowledge and expertise and how they enjoy contributing something back to the sector and helping shape its future.

The one thing all Chartered members are likely to tell you is don’t wait, get Chartered now. If you make the most of it, you’ll be surprised how rewarding it is.

What exactly is Chartered membership?

Chartered membership is a way of recognising the knowledge, achievement and commitment of individuals working in a wide variety of professions. Being a Chartered Waste Manager is similar to being a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Engineer or Chartered Architect.

In the UK and Ireland, Charted status can only be awarded by Chartered professional bodies like CIWM or learned societies. These are organisations that have been incorporated under Royal Charter, within which the standards required to award Chartered membership to individuals are set out. 

What are the extra benefits of Chartered membership?

All CIWM members enjoy a range of benefits including recognition and status.

Using the letters MCIWM not only makes a powerful statement about the knowledge, expertise and commitment of the individual, it also opens doors to a new network of contacts from over 2,500 other Chartered members.

In addition to this, Chartered members have voting rights, can sit on regional and national councils and committees, become a trustee and potentially, one day, President of CIWM.

Who can benefit from Chartered membership?

Anyone with the high level of knowledge and experience in resource and waste management is eligible to apply for Chartered membership of CIWM. You don’t necessarily need a degree level qualification. We do recommend you are a member at any other grade for at least 6 months prior to applying.

There are three ways you can qualify for Chartered membership:

  1. A degree level or post-graduate qualification and a minimum of four years’ experience in resource and waste management
  2. A full member of a different but relevant Chartered Institution and a minimum of two years’ experience in resource and waste management
  3. At least five years’ experience in resource and waste management and an expanded supporting statement.

The third of these is known as the experienced practitioner route and is designed for those who have considerable experience in the resources and waste sector but have no, or very few, formal qualifications.

We’ll support you all the way

The first step towards becoming Chartered is to check you have the right level of knowledge and experience to apply. You can do this here, by calling our membership team on 01604 620426 or emailing

Once confirmed, the next step is to attend one of our regional Chartered workshops, where we’ll talk you through everything you’ll need to know about the process. You’ll also hear from interviewers and recent successful candidates and meet others who are looking to become Chartered. Most applicants find the workshops very helpful and informative.

There is usually an application deadline roughly 2-3 weeks after the workshop and interviews 3-4 weeks later. Once your application is received and approved you will be contacted with details of your interview and an invoice for your interview fee.

We want you to be successful in being awarded Chartered status, most people are successful, first time. Even if you stumble at some point we’ll be there to support and advise. Maybe helping you gain any extra knowledge you need, reviewing your application or helping you prepare for your professional interview.

To start your Chartered journey, visit our Get Chartered page.

Darrel Moore

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