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Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme: ‘Catastrophic’, ‘Reckless’ and ‘Economic Carnage’

14th April 2023

Deposit Return Scheme / packaging / Scotland

A glimpse into the eco-friendly shopping basket of the future

11th April 2023

Circular Economy / Food Waste / Supermarkets

Digital product passports: Europe takes the lead in sustainable growth

20th March 2023

Ecoveritas / European Commission / Extended Producer Responsibility

Green jobs: how to speak to the kids of today

13th March 2023

Circular Economy / CIWM / Professional Development

Why new soft furnishings POPs legislation doesn’t go far enough

7th March 2023

POPs / reuse / The Furniture Recycling Group

Sizzle Innovation seeks trial area for first campaign

28th February 2023

local authorities / Peat / Trewin Restorick

We need sensible plans for net zero – not higher taxes

20th February 2023

Energy / Legislation / net zero

A technical solution for DDRS exists and should be implemented

9th February 2023

Deposit Return Scheme / digital DRS / polytag

Lack of regulatory harmonisation may cause DRS woes 

1st February 2023

Deposit Return Scheme / ecosurety / Plastic Packaging Tax

How technology can deter and identify fly-tippers

23rd January 2023

artificial intelligence / Fly-Tipping / local authorities

It’s pointless to landfill waste during an energy crisis

18th January 2023

Energy / landfill / residual waste

Why “transitional” food waste collections would prove a travesty

17th January 2023

Defra / Food Waste Collection / ReFood

The modern slavery problem in resource and waste management

20th December 2022

CIWM / Modern Slavery / Waste Crime

Packaging EPR lands in the New Year and many producers don’t even know about it

14th December 2022

ecosurety / EPR / packaging

The financial and environmental impact of food waste

13th December 2022

Food Waste / local authorities / ReFood

Is it time to stop talking about food waste?

8th December 2022

Food Waste / net zero / Zero Waste

New life for old EV batteries: How repurposing can help to drive green power

6th December 2022

Circular Economy / Electric Vehicles / Lithium Ion Batteries

Making the case for reuse: achieving net zero by 2050

29th November 2022

net zero / reuse / reuse shop

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