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Joined-up refuse planning and education are key to reducing fly-tipping

27th July 2022

Environment / Fly-Tipping / local authorities

Statistics underline how far the wood recycling sector has come

13th July 2022

Waste Wood / Wood Recyclers Association

The environmental impacts of inconsistent kerbside collections

30th June 2022

Food Waste / Kerbside Collection / ReFood

Can the cost-of-living crisis help local authorities prepare for food waste collections in 2023?

30th June 2022

cost savings / Food Waste / local authorities

How Love Island is encouraging Gen Z to fall in love with circularity

22nd June 2022

Circular Economy / Packaging Recycling / Sustainable Fashion

Flexible Plastic Fund – Alone we go faster, together we go further

15th June 2022

Flexible Plastic Recycling / plastic / Recycling

We must make a circular economy for plastics the new norm

13th June 2022

circular economy plastic / The Consumer Goods Forum

“It is incumbent on us all to find more ways to bring the next generation into the workplace”

8th June 2022

Apprenticeships / green skills / Grundon Waste Management

Quality recycled products must start with quality inputs

11th May 2022

Circular Economy / packaging / source segregation

Food waste: The environmental impacts of inconsistent kerbside collections

27th April 2022

collections / Food Waste / ReFood

How businesses can avoid ‘plastic straw syndrome’

6th April 2022

Green Business / SAP UK&I / sustainability

100% of WEEE must be collected for recycling

29th March 2022

E-Waste / local authorities / WEEE

What does the ‘restaurant rebound’ mean for food waste?

23rd March 2022

Anaerobic Digestion / Food Waste / ReFood

Don’t underestimate the value of waste wood to the UK

16th March 2022

wate wood / Wood Recyclers Association

Circular economy in action for Incinerator Bottom Ash

8th March 2022

energy from waste / Incinerator Bottom Ash / landfill

Digital pathway

2nd March 2022

DRS / local authorities / polytag

Turning a blind eye

23rd February 2022

bakers basco / Circular Economy / plastic

Time to level up the playing field

16th February 2022

Competition / local authorities / Neil Grundon

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