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Incidents Of Fly-Tipping Increase 7% On Previous Year

20th October 2017

Defra / Fly-Tipping / Keep Britain Tidy / LGA


We Need Support & Partnership

18th October 2017

China / Defra / Simon Ellin / The Recycling Association / WRAP


China Import Ban Both “Headache” & Opportunity, Says Defra Minister

18th October 2017

China / Defra / exports / paper / Plastics / RDF / Thérèse Coffey


Gove Seeks Views On Deposit Return Scheme For England

3rd October 2017

Defra / Deposit Return Scheme / Litter / Michael Gove / Ocean Plastic / plastic


Defra Launches £500,000 Litter Prevention Fund

29th August 2017

Defra / Litter / Litter Prevention Fund


ESA Calls For 25 Year Waste & Resources Plan

25th July 2017

25-Year Environment Plan / Defra / ESA


Neil Parish MP Elected As EFRA Committee Chair

13th July 2017

Commons / Defra / EFRA committee / Neil Parish MP / Parliament / select committee


Mary Creagh To Chair EAC, Efra Committee Chair Battle Still On

12th July 2017

committee / Defra / EAC / Era / Goldsmith / Mary Creagh / Parish / Wiggin


CIWM CEO’s Blog: Is The Resource & Waste Sector “Leadership Ready”?

30th May 2017

Defra / Extended Producer Responsibility / Minister / policy / Waste Crime


Separation Anxiety: How To Tackle Stagnating Recycling Rates

16th March 2017

consistency / Defra / DS Smith / Food Waste / household / local authorities / packaging / Recycling Rates / WRAP


Stepping Back Or Stepping Up?

2nd February 2017

BEIS / Defra / Government / Green Economy / resources / strategy / Waste Policy


Time For Intervention – Reflecting On 2016

14th December 2016

Brexit / Defra / EPR / ESA. recycling / industrial strategy / politics / strategy / Waste Crime


CIWM Chief Executive’s Blog: Brexit, Waste & Resource Management

8th December 2016

Article 50 / Brexit / Circular Economy / Defra / EU / Government / Legislation / policy


Have Recycling Rewards Scheme Had Their Chips?

1st June 2016

Defra / funding / pay as you throw / Recycling / rewards / scheme / waste collection


Groundhog Day For England’s Recycling League Tables

13th January 2016

Defra / England / household recycling / league tables


Buoyed Up! Not Bowed Down

10th September 2015

consistency / DCLG / Defra / Europe / Kent / NAWDO / partnership working / Recycling / targets


More Manpower Needed In The Waste Crime Fight

26th May 2015

Consultation / Defra / EA / Waste Crime


Don’t Ignore The Duty Of Care

14th May 2015

CERCLA / Defra / duty opt care / EA / superfund / Waste Crime

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