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The Consumer Perspective

26th April 2019

Environment Exchange / Extended Producer Responsibility


Ecosurety Launches “Alternative” EPR Governance Model

16th April 2019

ecosurety / Extended Producer Responsibility


10 Principles For “World-Leading” Producer Responsibility Regime – SUEZ

12th September 2018

Extended Producer Responsibility / SUEZ


Europe “Must Get Ready For Food Waste Collections”

22nd June 2018

Circular Economy Package / EU / Extended Producer Responsibility / Food Waste


CIWM CEO’s Blog: Is The Resource & Waste Sector “Leadership Ready”?

30th May 2017

Defra / Extended Producer Responsibility / Minister / policy / Waste Crime


Asking The EPR Questions

3rd May 2017

Circular Economy / EPR / Extended Producer Responsibility / NLWA / resources

Research & Report

Packaging Waste Recovery – A European comparison

14th December 2016

Extended Producer Responsibility / packaging

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