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FOI request shows multiple police forces don’t have tags to track fly-tipping

27th June 2024

Fly-Tipping / police / Waste Crime


Fly-tippers to receive points on driving licence, Tories promise

31st May 2024

Fly-Tipping / local authorities / Waste Crime


Moore calls on local authorities to issue more FPNs for fly-tipping

7th February 2024

Fly-Tipping / local authorities / Waste Crime


Man jailed for 10 months for running illegal waste site in Essex

18th January 2024

Environment Agency / Fly-Tipping / Waste Crime


1.08 million fly-tipping incidents reported in the 2022/23 year

17th January 2024

Defra / Fly-Tipping / local authorities


Government officially scraps DIY waste disposal charges

3rd January 2024

DIY Waste / Fly-Tipping / local authorities


Dartford fly tipper jailed and handed Criminal Behaviour Order

13th December 2023

Fly-Tipping / local authorities / Waste Crime


On-the spot fines for litter, graffiti and fly-tipping are set to rise

11th July 2023

Defra / Fly-Tipping / Litter / local authorities


Defra to provide £755,000 fly-tipping grants for local authorities

12th April 2023

Defra / Fly-Tipping / local authorities


Sunak promises to increase fly-tipping fines from £400 to £1,000

28th March 2023

Fly-Tipping / Legislation / Waste Crime


Reported fly-tipping incidents reduced by 4% in 2020/21

31st January 2023

Fly-Tipping / local authorities


How technology can deter and identify fly-tippers

23rd January 2023

artificial intelligence / Fly-Tipping / local authorities


Prolific fly tippers jailed following a two-year fly tipping investigation

6th December 2022

Environment Agency / Fly-Tipping / Waste Crime


Environment Secretary vows to clamp down on fly-tipping

11th October 2022

Defra / Fly-Tipping / Government

Briefing Paper

Tipping Point: Exposing the realities of Britain’s fly tipping enforcement gap

11th October 2022

Fly-Tipping / Unchecked UK / Waste Crime


Devon fly-tipper who failed to clear waste in court for contempt

21st September 2022

Environment Agency / Fly-Tipping / Waste Crime


Magistrates need new sentencing guidelines for fly-tipping, councils warn

19th August 2022

Fly-Tipping / Local Government Association / Waste Crime


Businesses paid out £3 million in commercial fly-tipping fees in last 3 years

19th August 2022

Fly-Tipping / local authorities / Waste Crime

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