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GMCA: What’s next for municipal waste management strategies?

15th January 2025

Greater Manchester Combined Authority / local authorities / Simpler Recycling


SUEZ and Greater Manchester agree £1 billion contract extension

31st July 2024

Greater Manchester Combined Authority / local authorities / SUEZ


31 community-led projects in Greater Manchester receive funding

23rd March 2023

Greater Manchester / Greater Manchester Combined Authority / green space


Fashion and textile waste taskforce set up in Greater Manchester

16th February 2023

Greater Manchester Combined Authority / Manchester Metropolitan University / textiles


The Renew Hub hits milestone of 50,000 preloved items repaired and resold

25th October 2022

Greater Manchester Combined Authority / landfill / reuse


Plan approved to reduce waste and create circular economy in Greater Manchester

28th June 2022

Circular Economy / Food Waste / Greater Manchester Combined Authority


Greater Manchester to “carefully monitor” reopening of recycling centres

23rd April 2020

Coronavirus / Fly-Tipping / Greater Manchester Combined Authority / HWRCs


England’s Largest Waste Authority Joins Forces With GMCA

3rd April 2018

GMWDA / Greater Manchester Combined Authority

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