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Keep Britain Tidy Calls For Single, Nationwide Recycling System

25th September 2018

Keep Britain Tidy


520,000 Trolleys Abandoned In Public Spaces & Waterways Every Year

19th September 2018

Canal and River Trust / Fly-Tipping / Keep Britain Tidy / Litter / Trolleys / Wanzl


Teachers Urged To Make Single-Use Plastics Fight Part Of Curriculum

10th September 2018

BRITA UK / Keep Britain Tidy / Single-Use Plastics


New Intervention To Tackle “Careful” Littering

30th July 2018

Careful Littering / Keep Britain Tidy / Littering


EU Urged To Set Minimum Recycled Content For Plastic Products

20th July 2018

EU / European Commission / FEAD / Keep Britain Tidy / plastic / Resource Association


One In Five Londoners Admits To Fly-Tipping In Past Two Years

17th July 2018

Fly-Tipping / Keep Britain Tidy / London


Changing Our Single-Use Plastic Habits Too Much “Hassle”, Survey Finds

17th April 2018

BRITA UK / Keep Britain Tidy / Marine Plastics / plastic / Single-Use


New Research Reveals Impact Of Litter On UK Wildlife

27th March 2018

Keep Britain Tidy / Litter


Call For New “Litter Army” To Mobilise This Christmas

21st December 2017

Keep Britain Tidy / Litter


Incidents Of Fly-Tipping Increase 7% On Previous Year

20th October 2017

Defra / Fly-Tipping / Keep Britain Tidy / LGA


Coca-Cola & Keep Britain Tidy Launch Litter Prevention Partnership

17th October 2017

Coca-Cola GB / Keep Britain Tidy / Litter


Stockport Appoints Keep Britain Tidy For New Campaign

16th October 2017

Keep Britain Tidy / Litter / Stockport Council


A Deposit Return Scheme In England Could Save Councils £35m A Year

11th October 2017

Deposit Return Scheme / England / Eunomia / Keep Britain Tidy / Litter


Thames 21 Calls On Public To Clear Plastic Pollution

26th September 2017

clean up / Great River Rescue / Keep Britain Tidy / plastic / river / Thames21


KBT Unveils Broken Bodyboard Dress To Highlight BeachCare

25th September 2017

beach / BeachCare / bodyboards / dress / Keep Britain Tidy / Recycling

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