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News in brief: Zero Waste Week | Trialling food waste collections | Cleaning up the countryside

4th September 2019

Food Waste / Litter / Zero Waste Week


DRS: theoretical v direct benefits

12th August 2019

comply direct / DRS / Litter


[UPDATED] McDonald’s paper straws not being recycled

6th August 2019

Litter / McDonald’s / plastic


News in brief | Retailers meet CO2 targets | Woodland litter call | Plastic recycling investment

2nd August 2019

Carbon Emissions / Litter / plastic

Expedition to “world’s most polluted beach” bags six tonnes of waste

2nd August 2019

henderson island / Litter / plastic


DRS could see 31,000 plastic bottles vanish from Scotland’s streets each day

30th July 2019

DRS / Litter / Scotland


72% would support UK-wide deposit return system

27th July 2019

Campaign to Protect Rural England / DRS / Litter

Briefing Paper

Litter Strategies in the UK and Ireland

2nd June 2019

Litter / marine / policy / strategy


JEREMY PAXMAN: Time to clean up Britain

31st May 2019

clean up britain / Jeremy Paxman / Litter


FCC survey reveals public responsibility for takeaway litter

24th May 2019

FCC Environment / Litter / producer responsibility


School pupils face £80 fines for littering

15th May 2019

behaviour change / Fines / Litter


City of London Ups Fixed Fines In Clamp-Down On Litterers

8th April 2019

City of London / Litter


Councils Warning Over Impact Of Funding Cuts On Fly-Tipping

5th February 2019

Fly-Tipping / LGA / Litter / local authorities


WRAP Signposts Way Towards Sustainable Use Of Plastics

15th November 2018

Litter / Plastics / Plastics Pact / Single-Use Plastics / WRAP


Government Launches Plan To Ban Plastic Straws, Cotton-Buds & Stirrers

22nd October 2018

Defra / Litter / Single-Use Plastics

Briefing Paper

CIWM UK and Ireland Policy Roundup July-September 2018

10th October 2018

Brexit / China / CIWM policy round up / DRS / Litter / Ocean Plastic / packaging / plastic / Waste Crime


520,000 Trolleys Abandoned In Public Spaces & Waterways Every Year

19th September 2018

Canal and River Trust / Fly-Tipping / Keep Britain Tidy / Litter / Trolleys / Wanzl


Teresa May Confirms Consultation On Doubling Plastic Bag Charge

31st August 2018

Carrier Bag Levy / Litter / plastic / Teresa May

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