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£300,000 Funding For Community Projects To “Get Tough On Litter”

16th August 2018

community groups / Defra / Litter / Litter Innovation Fund


Coca-Cola Sets Out What A “Well-Designed” DRS Might Look Like

16th July 2018

Coca-Cola Enterprises / Coca-Cola GB / Deposit Return Scheme / Litter / Marine Litter / Ocean Plastic


Organisations Partner To Inspire Ocean-Friendly Packaging Choices

12th July 2018

Friends Of Glass / Litter / National Marine Aquarium / Oceans / packaging


McDonald’s Straw Ban “Must Go Further”, Says Consumer Group

18th June 2018

Litter / Marine Litter / McDonald’s / Ocean Plastics / Plastic Straws / Plastics


Cigarette Litter The Most Common Litter On Europe’s Beaches

11th June 2018

Beach Plastic / Cigarette Waste / Litter / The European Environment Agency


SUEZ Says Resources Strategy Could Add £9bn To UK Economy

29th May 2018

DRS / Litter / pay as you throw / SUEZ


Barnet Council Is A “Glutton” For Cleaner Streets

21st May 2018

Barnet Council / Glutton / Litter / street cleansing


LondonEnergy Helps Coffee Shop Customers To #MochaDifference

21st May 2018

coffee / cups / Litter / Recycling / Reusable Cups


“Story Of Your Stuff” Winner Looks At The Life Of Chewing Gum

10th May 2018

Chewing Gum / EPA / Ireland / Litter


Defra Seeks Views On Council Litter Enforcement Guidance

13th April 2018

Defra / Litter / local authorities


Brits Want Even Tougher Penalties For Litterers, New Poll Finds

10th April 2018

Future Thinking / Litter / Serco


Government Crackdown Hits Litter Louts “In The Pocket”

3rd April 2018

Defra / Litter


Defra Moves Forward With Deposit Return Scheme For England

28th March 2018

Deposit Return Schemes / DRS / England / Litter / Marine Litter / Marine Plastics / Michael Gove / Ocean Plastics / Plastics / Single-Use Plastics


New Research Reveals Impact Of Litter On UK Wildlife

27th March 2018

Keep Britain Tidy / Litter


UK Government Should Spearhead International Marine Plastic Treaty – CIWM

22nd March 2018

CIWM / Dr Colin Church / Litter / Marine Litter / Marine Plastic / Plastics / WasteAid UK / Word Water Day


Viridor Calls For Minimum Requirement On Use Of Recycled Plastic

16th March 2018

Litter / Marine Litter / Ocean Plastic / Plastics / Viridor


Litter Innovation Fund: Government Backs New Community Projects

13th March 2018

Defra / Litter


Government “Dragging Its Feet” Over Plastic Waste – EAC

26th February 2018

Defra / EAC / Litter / Marine Litter / Mary Creagh / Ocean Plasitc / Plastics Waste

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