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Veolia trials single line recycling to boost the circular economy in Wales

1st March 2022

local authorities / Recycling / Veolia / Wales


Textiles account for 32% of Scotland’s carbon impact

17th February 2022

local authorities / Scotland / Zero Waste Scotland

Aberdeen City Council adds UK’s first hydrogen fuel cell waste truck to fleet

17th February 2022

Aberdeen City Council / hydrogen fuel / local authorities


Time to level up the playing field

16th February 2022

Competition / local authorities / Neil Grundon


Value chain synergy and aligned messaging ‘essential’ to increase plastic recycling

7th February 2022

local authorities / plastic / Recoup


Digital transformation

26th January 2022

digital transformation / local authorities / Yotta


Food waste in Surrey costing councils £4 million

17th January 2022

Food Waste / local authorities / Surrey Waste Partnership


Omicron absence rates pushed to ‘never before seen’ average of 4.87% – LARAC

14th January 2022

Coronavirus / LARAC / local authorities


Getting public services across ‘net zero line’ will require £140bn by 2035 – UNISON

9th November 2021

COP26 / local authorities / net zero / Unison


The war on food waste

2nd November 2021

Food Waste / local authorities / ReFood


Street style

16th September 2021

Litter / local authorities / street scene


Councils call for ‘tougher’ legal action on fly-tippers

9th August 2021

Fly-Tipping / Hertfordshire Waste Partnership / local authorities


Report: ‘Serious weaknesses’ in government’s approach to working with councils on net zero

16th July 2021

local authorities / National Audit Office / net zero


Government urged to recognise the role of councils in ‘tackling climate crisis’

5th July 2021

ADEPT / local authorities / net zero


Will the Deposit Return Scheme ‘kill’ council recycling schemes?

9th June 2021

DRS / local authorities / Wardell Armstrong


The packaging EPR and DRS consultations – a NI Perspective

24th May 2021

DRS / EPR / local authorities / materials / packaging / private sector


New digital recycling heatmap illustrates need for ‘new policy’ – Suez

26th April 2021

Extended Producer Responsibility / local authorities / SUEZ


More than a million people in the UK try to recycle nappies

19th April 2021

Keep Britain Tidy / local authorities / nappy waste

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