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£150m invested in public recycling facilities opening in north London

12th July 2024

local authorities / North London Heat and Power Project / North London Waste Authority


NLWA sets out its priorities for the new Labour government

11th July 2024

energy from waste / local authorities / North London Waste Authority


NLWA launches new school programme to raise waste prevention awareness

7th June 2024

behaviour change / local authorities / North London Waste Authority


NLWA calls Defra’s DIY waste announcement a “diversion tactic”

23rd June 2023

Extended Producer Responsibility / LARAC / local authorities / North London Waste Authority


NLWA introduces hard plastics recycling trial

30th March 2023

local authorities / North London Waste Authority / plastic


North Londoners rank waste reduction as important priority

22nd March 2023

North London Waste Authority / Recycling / reuse


£4.75M windfall for north London councils from publicly owned EfW facility

26th October 2022

energy bills / energy from waste / North London Waste Authority


Bans on more unrecyclable plastic “urgently needed”, says waste authority

14th July 2022

bans / North London Waste Authority / plastic

Green apprenticeships and jobs for north London

8th February 2022

Apprenticeships / North London Waste Authority


‘Listen to local authorities’ on consistent recycling collections, says NLWA

8th July 2021

Defra / North London Waste Authority / Recycling Consistency


Works Contracts For North London Heat & Power Project Published

12th July 2018

North London Heat and Power Project / North London Waste Authority

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