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Shell’s misleading green ads: A lesson in transparent communication

20th June 2023

Advertising Standards Authority / greenwashing / Shell


Plans submitted for first waste to jet fuel plant in the UK and Europe

20th August 2019

British Airways / Shell / Waste to Fuel


Industry Giants To Tackle “On-The-Go” Recycling In Leeds Pilot

26th June 2018

Alupro / Asda / Association of Convenience Stores / Ball Beverage Packaging Europe / British Plastics Federation / Co-Op / Coca-Cola GB / Costa / Crown Packaging / Danone / ecosurety / Highland Spring / Hubbub / Innocent / Klöckner Pentaplast (kp) / Leeds / Lucozade Ribena Suntory / Marks and Spencer / Morrisons / Pepsico / Shell

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