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The tent dilemma: Solving the problem of festival waste

26th June 2024

packaging / Recycling / reuse

125 Years of CIWM: Shaping the future of resource management

28th May 2024

Circular Economy / CIWM

End-of-life design: How to embed circularity into a product

22nd May 2024

Circular Economy / design / material recovery

Global environmental policies: Which countries lead the way?

2nd May 2024

Climate Change / green policy / Legislation

Leading voices in sustainable fashion in The Gambia

25th April 2024

Circular Economy / The Gambia / WasteAid

Unpacking Simpler Recycling developments: The impact on local authorities

10th April 2024

Defra / Food Waste / local authorities

Who is responsible for food waste?

20th March 2024

Food Waste / Food Waste Action Week / WRAP

Why is reuse often overlooked for recycling?

15th March 2024

Recycling / reuse / Waste Hierarchy

Sneakerhead Culture: A Step Toward Sustainability?

1st March 2024

Circular Economy / Fast Fashion / Show Waste

What is a Digital Deposit Return Scheme and is it feasible?

14th February 2024

Deposit Return Scheme / digital DRS

Why Is The UK Banning Disposable Vapes?

31st January 2024

Defra / disposable vapes / single use

Method discovered to upcycle plastics into liquid energy carriers

19th September 2023

Energy Storage / plastic / Plastic recycling

WasteAid Circular Economy Workshop 3

11th July 2023

Circular Economy / The Gambia / WasteAid

Introducing the “Waste to Use Challenge” finalists in The Gambia

30th September 2022

CIWM / international / The Gambia / WasteAid

Resourcing the Future 2022: “The youth view on rubbish” with William Awomoyi

22nd August 2022

Recycling / Resourcing the Future / The British Youth Council

Resourcing the Future 2022: “Climate change first responders” with Mark Shayler

9th August 2022

net zero / Resource Efficiency / Resourcing the Future

WasteAid circular economy project in The Gambia update

13th June 2022

CIWM / The Gambia / WasteAid

Circular Economy Network launched in The Gambia

3rd February 2022

Circular Economy Network / CIWM / The Gambia / WasteAid

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